Innovation: The Need of the Hour

2 min readJan 28, 2020


Can innovation make the world win?

In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, there is a need for the technology to grow just as rapidly to keep up with this pace. Unfortunately, the quantity of the engineers overpowers the qualities they bring on table and thereby lead to unsolved problems. A growing number of issues are waiting to be conquered.

As Thomas A Edison rightly said, “There is a way to do it better, find it” — this is what innovation is. This is what the issues are waiting for - an innovative and sensitive mindset. However, this mindset stays hidden inside the brain, not able to develop its wings — and for that, we have a lot of things to blame.

Commonly termed as a rat race, the world with it’s quickly growing population pushes humans, right from when they are children, to compete with others, and more often than not, drives them to change towards the path taken by everyone. The drive to be the richest, the wealthiest and the most successful narrows our vision.

We forget that the world today needs “Innovation” to move forward.

The wealthiest entrepreneurs today stand at the top of the chain because of their innovative and disruptive minds. They have come up with solutions to make life simpler. Be it the problem of long distance communication, or the ease of hailing cabs in our locality, all it needs is an innovative mind and a determined attitude to achieve success.

World issues like climate change, poverty, water and food crisis can only be solved when all of us start to find the solutions to these problems instead of promoting the rat race that only traps us in a vicious cycle.

The only answer to all these questions is Innovation. It will help us do better and helps our qualities outshine the quantity.

Gear up your brains, Innovators! The world needs you.



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