How does your resume speak on your behalf?

2 min readMar 21, 2021


How your resume speaks on your behalf?

Resumes make a quick but lasting first impression, as it’s the first thing a recruiter/employer sees. This one-pager summarizes your journey and is a gateway to the interview. It highlights everything about you in a concise manner, but let us understand how resumes play a significant role.

Here are some things that your resume says about you -

  1. Personality and nature

A resume tells a lot about your basic nature, for example, typos are a very common mistake that everybody makes and everybody is also okay with it until it is professional. Professionally typos are not negligible, it creates an impression of carelessness. At the same time, if there are no mistakes, it adds brownie points for perfection.

2. Attention to detail

The more that you look into your resume in detail, the lesser are the chances for any mistakes. Proper alignment, correct dates, accurate spacing, etc. all add up to showing your eye for details. Any employer would be ready at the drop of a hat to hire a candidate who pays attention to details.

3. Showcase your brand

As much as employers try to employ assets, they are constantly looking out for people. People who have skills, talents, and have accomplished something other than their academic and professional achievements. It is strongly believed that extracurriculars are very important for overall growth and who wouldn’t want an all-rounder.

4. Concise communication

The resume is a story about your journey that you’ve summarised on a page. The more interesting and to the point the page is, the more is your ability to concise while touching all the important points.

5. Emotional intelligence

If your objective statement clearly is stating where you are headed and what is the journey that you want professionally then it is extremely impactful. It helps the employer understand what it is that you’re looking for and that you have the necessary emotional intelligence needed to stay determined. This speaks volumes about EQ (Emotional Intelligence).

Therefore, your resume is your superpower that helps you outshine. You can use our resume builder to kickstart your journey —



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