Honing your Skills

3 min readJan 30, 2020


“Hardwork is the Key to Success.”

“The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.”

“Practice makes a man Perfect!”

The three quotes above are ones that we, so often, keep hearing. Alas, we all know that only hard work, only talent, or only practice will only give satisfactory results. However, all three together can make an amazing combination, which when used for the good, will take you to heights of success.

What is talent?

According to Google, it means natural aptitude or skill.

Skill — it’s a word that has taken over the minds of engineers and recruiters today. But what is the need of skills? Our education system barely focuses on it.

With the number of people who are carrying fake degrees or are educationally qualified just for the name sake, companies are unable to find students or people worthy of the job they provide. Theoretical Knowledge and your marks aren’t enough anymore bud, you need to have that thing in you for the big fishes to come asking for your skills at your doorstep.

Now you must be thinking — What are the skills that we should work on? There are so many to learn, but we can master only few. The question is:

Are you willing to give what it takes?

Here, your talent and your passion comes in. No person is born without talent; you just have to find where it lies in you. Some are lucky enough to realize their passions right in the beginning, and are often daring enough to follow through.

If you still haven’t found it yet, worry not! You can always try learning new skills and move towards what interests you the most. The skillset which defines your passion is something worth working on, and it should be something you won’t get tired of after working upon it for days and years. Or you can peek into your past experiences; sometimes the things you have done since childhood, reflect on what you do best as an adult.

The hard-work part comes now, once you have discovered your hidden talent. To be at the top of the game, you have to master the skills that suit you the best. Talent, alone, would be of no use. Be it a form of art, engineering, medicine, or any other practice, you need to work tirelessly to be the best at what you do.

Parents not allowing you to chase your dreams? It is extremely easy if all of you think along the same lines, but when the two thought processes clash, often we are forced to do something we don’t want to. All we can say is that our parents have our best interests at heart — they just want to see us happy and settled. It is our duty to make them understand the changes that the employment criteria has seen over the years.

We have an extremely popular movie ‘3 Idiots’ to teach us that when the right skills are used in the right place, without fearing failure, our life will be nothing short of a wonderful dream!

There’s only one conclusion to all of this — only you know what’s best for you. Stick to it, work hard, master your skills and see how successful you can become!



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