Getting Your GrowVation Profile Right

3 min readFeb 1, 2020


A key to attract the right opportunity on GrowVation

If you have what it takes, then GrowVation is the right platform for you to land your dream opportunity with your skills and your project. But at the same time, it is important to know that your GrowVation portfolio is just as instrumental in convincing the employers that you are the best choice.

GrowVation provides all the features to showcase your best skills on your profile. Here are a few tips for you to make sure that your portfolio is not lacking in any way.

  1. A professional picture not only makes sure you look your best, but also gives a smarter look to the profile. Without doubt, your profile picture is the first thing anyone looks at when they open your profile. It would always be preferable to see a smart, front profile, rather than stylish selfies or images of favourite cartoon/anime characters.
  2. Your Intro Video is a one minute video that helps the profile viewers to know you better. We have provided you with a framed format for the same which will represent you best to the companies as well as the other users. However, you are free to frame your video in whichever way it represents you the best.
  3. A Correct Full Name is another important piece of information about you that the recruiters require. It is another of the first things that someone looks at while checking your profile and nicknames/pen names only mislead the viewers and send them the other way. Make sure you fill in your correct full name and also, the first letter of each first name, middle name and last name should be in capital letters.
  4. The Project’s Name should be appropriate and self-explanatory. More often, the recruiters will be attracted to your profile by just looking at the project’s name. It should have proper cases, not be longer than six words unless absolutely necessary and give an insight into what the project is about.
  5. The Project Image should be only and only of the project. It can be an image of your model, simulation, code or anything that gives an idea about your project at the first look. The perfect image brings maximum views to your profile, making it easiest for the right company to find you.
  6. The Project’s description should be short, apt but descriptive. It does not have to be a long story about how the project was made; only specific details are required that describe your project completely. It would help if the grammar is correct and has punctuation in all the right places.
  7. The Project Requirements — the softwares and hardwares that were used in the making of the project should be mentioned properly.
  8. Your Top Three Skills describe you the best and these should be decided carefully as these give a fair idea to the recruiters if they require the skills you have to offer. For some, it is difficult to decide these three, but getting them right means you are certain and confident about them. Therefore, mention these properly.
  9. If your Contact Details are publicly available on your profile, make sure they are correct.

You can add the rest of the details in your Full Resume.

Lastly, the information you provide in your portfolio should be correct and your projects should justify the skills you possess. The recruiters on GrowVation come with years of experience on spotting fake and honest portfolios.

GrowVation wishes you the best of luck for your future!



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